the valley of shadows

ill-*lit* llogging...

Location: Austin, TX, United States

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Captains Virtuous

"Most vice is nothing but distraction, Helmut. Momentary relief from the burden of all those duties and expectations of the world we carry around all day, some our own, mostly others. Gambling, whoring, drinking, smoking... lazy indulgences, nothing else".

"Sure, Cap. But surely you see the harm that can come of these. It is the habit-forming nature of these enjoyable idlings that's the real problem. Once you give in, even once, your brain starts turning into jelly. Soon enough, you can't even think straight any more!".

"True, Helmut but that's where strength of character comes in. The strength that comes from a profound self-awareness, that keeps you on the right side even though you cross the line so many times. It stays with you in the middle of the most violent of your excesses, even when your mind is veering and careening into the temporary madness of the vicious act. You know its there even though it is usually of little help in the moment itself. It is usually after the fact that an equally violent self-correcting reaction ensues that steers you away from this rabid course, and exerts at least a tenuous hold till the next time you succumb to another indiscretion, which will, to no one's surprise, happen again. For the damned thing has an equally devious hold on the victimized mind and will surely find a way to rear its fangs when you're not looking. Of course, the frequency, intensity and duration of such transgressions will reflect the past and mold the future of the besieged soul's character, or perhaps I should say lack of."

"Battle for the poor sod's soul, huh?".

"More like a protracted war. Rare are the decisive battles, more often nightly sneak attacks and swift, vengeful reprisals the daylight after. Usually a war of attrition, for your attention. What dominates your consciousness the most? What consumes more of your energy and thought? How much do you allow the dull comforting shadow that the vice of choice looms upon your soul to blot out the destiny that otherwise awaits you? The answers to these questions decides the degree of moral victory or defeat. On occasion, one slip torpedoes the whole enterprise but most other times, you always get another chance to fight back and hold the line. It is the proportion of time you hold off the adversary either in native innocence or an acute intensity of purpose and devote time to your true being, relative to the time you spend fighting and retreating and cutting your losses, that is the key".

"Got it, Cap. You sound like a preacher, not quite the hell-and-fury kind but close enough. You ever considered the pulpit?".

"Not that far off, Helmut. I commandeer men's ships from the deck instead, even though I shepherd their souls at times too, especially when the waves gets a little choppy on the high seas."

"Or the vices!! Har, har... Aye, aye. Quite the master of turbulences, moral and nautical!".

Cap winked.

"Now let's see you save this soul, Cap".

With that, Helmut leapt.


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