The Denial of Death
"Brain's all fogged up, babe. Can't think of anything."
"Need a jumpstart? I'll buy you some coffee."
"No, something stronger, an electric shock maybe...".
"You have to try".
"I feel weak and tired. My eyelids are heavy and I don't register anything...".
"C'mon you ninny! No lose talk when I'm around. Pull yourself together! Get your juices flowing!"
"It ain't that easy. Ran my juices dry a long time ago, babe."
"Freaking vegetable, that's what you are then! ".
"Hey, no need to get upset. I just can't help it."
"I'm not. I just can't see you rot away."
"That's the fate of all vegetables left around too long, once the will is gone...".
"Ah! my dying poet!".
"No swansong this. Not even ugly duckling song..."
"Your facility for metaphor is still intact..."
"Bah! All poetry is written in a state of dying. But I'm afraid this one's rather physical, sugar plum."
"Ooh! Sweet little tragic aphorisms! You're no dying man, Omar Kayyam!"
"But I am, for I am no poet. Therefore, this must be the real thing."
"Sound reasoning for someone whose mind's shutting down".
"Why do you insist?"
"Because you think because you are because you think. Loop forever".
"Cartesian bull! Of course, one cannot declare oneself dead. That doesn't mean one cannot die. And then, others can".
"Waking up is hard to do!"